how to apply

To speed up the registration process only the field mark with * will be needed.
Take a little of time to fill as much as possible to identify yourself.

Location popup will appear after clicking the location icon
-Type the name of country the city will shows up if has in database.
-Type the city name and pick up the city where you work
-if city is not in the list please type and click continue

A shot descrition at 50 charactors is required.
Select the service available for customer if not list please contact us.

Not every information is necessary choose the one you want to fill the most.
Measurement the size of your body.
Can be 84/40/42 or cup A in brief

The service rate for customers.
Can leave blank but is recommoned to put at lease the hour rate.

Choose the service hours for customers

The most important part of all
Upload the attractive photo to the cusotmers.

Photo name must not contains any special charactors image size should be less than 2m
Wait for process to compelete , untill photo preview of all photo show
If the photo is in black that means there is an error .
Please delete it and upload again.

Live edit feature is available now on test
When editing contact information
Do not forget to paste the number back to phone number area

LIve status floating bar are on the right middle of page
by clicking live statictics can view the page count
by clicking edit can direct to edit page